Tourist Information, Keeper's Krew Komics: Aeryth
Tag Line:
Will Aeryth and its Humans be the key to the Orythyan's survival, or will the mixing of two peoples spell disaster for both?
Therya was a world full of a thriving sapient people known as Orythyans. Wielding magic and technology with equal ease, theirs was a united, near-utopian society that should have lasted for eons. Unfortunately, that was not what fate had in store for them. An unidentified force destroyed most of the planet and rendered the majority of the Orythyans sterile. Desperate to save themselves from extinction, the Orythyans scried out a planet hosting a people that were genetically compatible enough with them to interbreed with.
Aeryth was just such a planet. The Humans were just such a people.
Reaching out to them, the Orythyans humbly requested the Humans' permission to settle on their planet and interbreed with them. In exchange, the Orythyans would teach the Humans magic.
This was an opportunity the Humans couldn't pass up, so they agreed, even though many had their misgivings about this arrangement.
Will Aeryth thrive with the presence of the newcomers, or will this spell the end of both peoples?
Aeryth (a comic featuring gameplay screenshots from The Sims 4) is a supernatural tale of how disparate peoples learn to live with each other and get along--or not.